School Shootings and other mass murders continue to plague and haunt our country. As we stand by as Americans and witness these tragedies happen, we are grateful it is not our own children that were injured or far worse murdered. Because we are shocked at these all too frequent tragedies at our nation’s schools, we collectively mourn as a nation as the news media coverage is overwhelming.

As the days go by, except for those directly affected by these sad events, we forget and go back to our daily lives.

   Until the next school shooting or mass murder and then the sad cycle repeats itself. No dramatic changes have been implemented since the Columbine massacre in 1999. That is over 20 years and no laws passed have made a significant difference to curb school shootings. It is time to band together as a nation and pressure our representatives to pass laws that will reduce (we hope to eliminate) school shootings. So we as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends and relatives of our nation’s teens and children and young adults do not have to be fearful of sending our kids off to school. 

   Then our children can engage themselves in education without being afraid of being shot down. Below is an action plan that we can’t do ourselves. This action plan is the start, a catalyst that is sparked by specific laws being passed in our nation’s Capital will hopefully reduce these all too often tragic events.

     Please band together with us and sign our petitions, vote for the elected officials that will introduce and/or back bills that enact laws being passed to create a fearless environment in our nation’s schools. Donate frequently so our nation’s youth will be safe in our countries school systems.